tisdag 10 december 2013

Magic "Nelson Mandela" uppgifter

1. In which year did Nelson Mandela leave prison? answer: 1990.
2. How old was he? answer: 72
3. Who was there to meet him? answer: Thousands of people, photographers and reporters.
4. Who was with him when he waved the crowd? answer: His wife, Winnie.
5. He talked to friends when he came out. Who els dud he talk to? answer: The Afrikaners in the government and white and black people.
6. Name vision he had for the future of South Africa. answer: That black and white could go to the same school.
7. Who was the head of the government at the time? What was he worried about? answer: F.W. De Klerk was worried about that the white people would not be welcome if black people took over the government.
8. What happened on May 10th 1994? answer: Nelson Mandela became the South Africans president.

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